Service Concept

Through comprehensive observation, self monitoring of one’s mind and body and various activities, youresponse will help you to understand changes of “Spirit, Technique and Physical Strength”, “Intellect, Emotion and Volition”, and “Reasoning, Understanding and Sensibility”. youresponse also assists in motivating problem solving, personal growth and progress.


Data-driven Society, People-centered Era

It has been half a century since the coming of the information society was foreseen. We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4) and Information Technology (IT) advancements that bring qualitative changes to society. The use of IT by individuals includes obtaining knowledge and information via the internet, and diversified communications through SNS or Social Networking Services have shown significant progress. Demand is now shifting to a new way of resonance that induces problem solving behaviour at the individual level to improve the quality of life index or QOL. Change of values and self digital transformation are imperatives as well. 

Tools Invented for People to Evolve

For the past 400 years changes in society and principles have impacted both the Western world and individuals as we evolved from a religious society and collectivism to a capitalist society and individualism. What does social evolution mean?

Since introduced by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press has played a vital role in disseminating knowledge and information to society. Isaac Newton established modern natural philosophy, which eventually lead to the modern physical sciences. The invention of the computer accelerated not only scientific disciplines but also many other areas. Now the digital transformation has drastically changed society and the way we live to accelerate and enhance a social revolution. 

What's youresponse ?

People learn and experience many things in the process of growing. Trial and error learning processes contribute to build one’s character and organize each person’s social life as a member of society. But when a society’s progress is exponentially accelerating, does the growth of individuals accelerate at the same or similar rate?

youresponse is an old yet new tool that gives you the curiosity to explore yourself as a microcosmos. As well it exposes unexpected aspects of yourself to discover your microcosm, the joy of creation and even the joy of discouragement.

New Wine is Poured into Fresh Wineskins

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

youresponse is a comprehensive application that observes your mind, body and various activities. This application helps you to search for yourself as microcosmos - a Western philosophical term that refers to viewing a human being as a small universe. It provides satisfaction through an inquiring mind of curiosity, discovery and creation. It even gives you an openness to accepting discouragement. It also gives you an opportunity to reflect on your progress, changes and growth, and re-start if necessary. Eventually this process will become established as a habit without conscious awareness and help you reach your goals faster. 

Under this concept, “Superlife Log onto ⁻apps Developing Project” was created to provide Prototype development plans.

Prototype Development Plans

An individual’s mind, body and activities change everyday. How people observe themselves and their willingness to improve varies from person to person. Mind, body and activities are inter-related and therefore both good and bad effects can be observed. Because these results have a time lag, accumulating data records over time is necessary to comprehend the relevance of each factor. In addition, various factors such as periodicity, seasonality, age and others can influence the data. Patience is required to see improvement in some cases. These integration apps help not only by collecting various memories and experiences as objective data but also by providing step wise growth that can be hard to capture and its effect on improvement.

Based on the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI), three different types of integration applications will be developed.


Integration application that captures feelings, sleep patterns, appetite, and changes in physical conditions

Key points of Integration

Measuring and monitoring basic factors such as sleep patterns, appetite and physical conditions through everyday life gives you a conscious awareness of good and bad conditions. Knowledge of these basic factors and the responses necessary to enact change ensures improvements and better results.

Prospective integration apps *Please refer to the URL for the summary of each application.

自分の感情を見える化する、心のセルフケアアプリ「Awarefy」あすけん ダイエットアプリトキシル - 時間の見える化アプリNOTEBOOK - Take Notes, Sync

Main functions (beta version)

  • Correlation diagrams of feelings, sleep patterns, appetite and physical conditions (daily, weekly and monthly)
  • Alarm activates when abnormal feelings, sleep patterns, appetite or physical conditions are detected.  (This draws one’s attention to take evasive action)
  • Recommended sleep patterns for being peaceful and maintaining good physical condition and appetite 
  • Checkboxes for tracking and evaluating symptoms related to sleep patterns, appetite and feeling unwell. 
  • Note taking on your everyday mind, awareness and events


Integration application to capture changes of consciousness, health and various activities

Key points of Integration

Through the observation of work and lifestyle performance, this application gives you an awareness of facts. Reflecting on these results can be linked to improvement and progress in your ability to respond to changes.

Prospective integration apps *Please refer to URL for summary of each app.

行動動機と「ハピネス関係度」健康&セックスと期間トラッカーThe Beautiful Way to Track Your Time
The Beautiful Way to Track Your Time

Main functions (planned) 

  • Correlation diagrams of feelings (degree of happiness), health, various activities and events (daily, weekly and monthly)
  • Alarm activates when stressful situations, stagnant activities or unwell physical conditions are detected. (This draws one’s attention to take evasive action)
  • Recommends activities to maintaining motivation and good health. 
  • Checkboxes to track activities that improve depressed or unwell feelings and evaluate these symptoms. 
  • Note taking on your everyday mind, awareness and events


Integration application to capture changes in exercise, diet and weight, physical strength

Key point of Integration

Through the observation of work and lifestyle performance this application gives you an awareness of facts. Reflecting on these results can be linked to improvement and progress in your ability to respond to changes.

Prospective integration apps *Please refer to URL for summary of each app. 

ランニング、サイクリング運動データ計測食事記録とカロリー計算FBI Physical Fitness Test App
 NOTEBOOK - Take Notes, Sync

Main functions (planned)

  • Correlation graphs relating physical exercise, meals, weight and physical strength (daily, weekly, and monthly)

  • Alarm activates when excessive or a lack of exercise, unhealthy eating, overweight or under weight, situations are detected. (This draws one’s attention to take evasive action)

  • Recommended exercises and meal plan to recover, maintain and improve weight and physical strength

  • Checkboxes to identify and evaluate excessive physical exercise or inadequate meals for the purpose of improvement

  • Note taking on your everyday mind, awareness and events 


  • Recreational apps such as games and shopping apps are not subjected to this prototype development.
  • Integration apps for each prototype may be reviewed depending on their data connectivity and development degree of difficulty after evaluation of application.

Programming language for software development and systems

Programming languages: Expected to use PWA (Progressive Web Apps), Python, Ruby, JAVA script, Zoho Creator, etc.
Software development and systems: Operation Support System, GitHub

Join us

We are looking for people interested in participating and cooperating in this exciting prototype.
​* Jobs in blue are welcomed by those who have experience in application development.

 Organization Job Roles Number of people
Project Management Team Director, Project managerPlanning and management of prototype development project

1 people

 Service Design TeamMarketing analyst, Service designer, Marketer, Idea maker (may comprise two roles) Integrated app service design, UX design

1-2 people

 Application Development Team  System Designer, Security Specialist,
Database / Network Specialist, Programmer  (may comprise two roles)
Integrated application design, programing, system infrastructure development
3-6 people
 Review TeamAdvisor, observer, Tester
lifelog application user
Project, service design, application evaluation2-4 people
Contact us